Best Hydroponic Plants

Hydroponic Plant  Growing

According to my experience as a gardener have realised that all plants can be grown hydroponically .Here are some of the best  hydroponic plants .

1. Lettuce

Lettuce grows quickly and thrives in the nutrient-rich water of hydroponic systems. This is the best method to grow lettuce because it’s a plant that like regular watering to grow. Leaf lettuces like oak leaf, romaine, and red and green salad bowl varieties are excellent choices. This is because hydroponics promotes lettuce leaves to grow healthy and broad.

When growing lettuce hydroponically make sure they access sunlight between 50 ℃  to 80℃ because lettuce do well in hotter conditions as compared to cold conditions. After 21 days lettuce would have developed enough leaves for harvesting, harvest it from the outside of the plant leaving the inner bud to continue growing.


Both cherry and full-sized tomato plants produce very well hydroponically. Determinate tomatoes that grow to a compact size are preferred. Planting tomatoes hydroponically, you start by growing the seeds in the nursery.  Prepare the soil and raise it 5cm high, then plant your tomato seeds. Water them frequently and wait for 8-10 days for the tomato seedlings to sprout.

When the seedlings grow to a maximum height of 15cm transplant them carefully to a hydroponic growing system. Tomatoes will take less than 10 weeks to grow up to harvesting when they are grown hydroponically. Make sure to set the system where the tomato plants will receive enough sunlight because tomatoes do well in hotter conditions as compared to cold conditions.

3. Peppers

 Peppers are heavy producers in hydroponic setups. Popular varieties include bell peppers, jalapeños, and habanero. You start by planting paper seeds in a plant nursery. After 7-10 days the pepper seedling will start to sprout. After 14 days transplant the pepper seedling to a hydroponics growing system. The hydroponic system should be placed in a place where the pepper plant will receive sunlight for at least 6-8 hours per day. Pepper takes 19-26 days to be ready for harvesting.

When harvesting pepper as a plant that grows hydroponically use a pruning shear or sharp knife to cut pepper from the plant. Don’t use your free hand to harvest pepper, harvesting pepper can cause the entire plant to break. After harvesting pepper as a plant grown hydroponically store cold room or in the refrigerator.


 Cucumbers grow quickly and are produced heavily using hydroponic methods. Many mini/pickle varieties do well. Cucumber is one of the best hydroponic plants. If you want to grow cucumber hydroponically, start by sowing seeds in a plant nursery. You can also buy young cucumber plants from garden centers.

When the plant is about 1.5 inches transplant the to a hydroponics growing system. Cucumber grows well in hot conditions, so the system should be placed where there is direct sunlight and plants can get sunlight for at least 6-8 hours per day.

5. Leafy  Greens

 Lettuce was already mentioned, but greens like spinach, kale, chard, and arugula also grow quickly and yield heavily in hydroponic systems. These types of green can take less than 2 days from their day of growing to mature for harvesting. The hydroponic system should be set in a place where the greens can access full sunlight.


 Strawberry is one of the best hydroponic plants. Ever-bearing strawberries produce flavorful berries continuously using hydroponic techniques. Alpine strawberries also work well. If you want to grow strawberries hydroponically, start the seeds in a nursery then transplant them to a hydroponic growing system. Strawberries do well in places where there are high temperatures so the hydroponic system should be a place where the berries will receive enough sunlight.

7. Green Beans

Bush variety green beans are compact and very productive in hydroponic setups. This is one of the best hydroponic plants. This is among the best hydroponic plants. Grow the seeds in the nursery, the seeds take only 5 days to sprout.

When the plants develop 2-3 leaves then transplant them to a hydroponic growing system. Make sure to place the system where the plants will receive temperatures up to 55 ℃. After 6 weeks you can start harvesting hydroponic green beans.

Other  Herbs

 Herbs that grow well hydroponically include basil, mint, oregano, thyme, sage, parsley, chives, and rosemary. Their quick growth makes them very suitable. These are among the best hydroponic plants. A hydroponic growing system makes these herbs grow big and mature earlier than the normal time.

The key things to look for are plants that grow quickly, don’t get too large/spread, and enjoy consistent moisture and nutrition levels that hydroponics provide. Herbs and leafy greens are especially great choices for beginners.


1. What plants can grow hydroponically?

All plants and herbs can be grown hydroponically, but the most common are tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, strawberries, celery, and watercress among other plants.

2. What are the best plants for hydroponics?

These are some of the best plants for hydroponics cucumbers, hot pepper, basil, strawberries, Lettuce, kale, and Spinach among others.

3. How do you make hydroponic plants?

There are two methods have hydroponic gardening, either roots are submerged directly in nutrient-enriched water, or the plant is grown in a container filled with a soil-free mixture of perlite, sand, and coconut. The container is then submerged into water water-filled reservoir.

Also Read:-

CREEPING CHARLIE LOOK ALIKES-Seven plants that look like Creeping Charlie

PLANTS THAT LOOK LIKE ROSEMARY PLANT-Growing,Characteristics and How To Differentiate

Watercress Plant, Growing, Harvesting.

By Major Brown

Am an experienced Gardener for more than 15 years.