Spotted Bee Balm-Monarda Puctata,Growing And Uses

Spotted bee balm growing

The spotted bee balm plant whose scientific name is Mornarda Puctata is a perennial plant from the mint family of plants. According to research, it was found that spotted bee balm was first grown in the Eastern United States of America, and later spread to the whole world. In also called horse mint because it is used to treat horses.

This herb grows well in dry soil, rocky woodlands, coastal plains, and rocky woodlands. It is a member of the mint family which has clump-forming growth and grows to a maximum height of 3.5 meters. Sometimes the plant can spread by runners and form large clumps. It has aromatic green leaves and beautiful flowers which makes it referred to as a bee magnet. During blooming it uses its beautiful flowers to attract pollinators.

How To Grow Spotted Bee Balm (Monarda punctata)

Spotted bee balm prefers well-draining soil that is moist but not soggy. It does best in soil that is rich in organic matter. Amend the soil with compost or other organic matter before planting to improve drainage and fertility

Plant in full sun to partial shade. It can tolerate more shade than some other bee balm species. Space plants 18-24 inches apart. Plant crowns just below the soil surface. Water plants deeply, about 1 inch per week during the growing season if rainfall is insufficient.

 Apply 2-3 inches of mulch around plants to retain soil moisture. After flowering, shear plants back by one-third to one-half to encourage new growth and blooms. In fall, leave stems intact to provide winter interest. Bee balms can be divided every 3-4 years in spring to reinvigorate the plants.

Pests and Diseases

Monitor for powdery mildew which can develop in humid conditions. Provide good air circulation. Deer tend to avoid browsing spotted bee balm due to its strong fragrance.

With the right conditions, spotted bee balm will bloom with showy pinkish-lavender flower heads in summer and often rebloom if deadheaded.

Uses And Benefits For Spotted Bee Balm

Spotted bee balm (Monarda punctata) is a flowering plant native to eastern and central North America. Here are some common uses for this plant.

1. Ornamental gardening

 Spotted bee balm is grown as an ornamental plant in gardens and landscaping due to its attractive pinkish-lavender flower bracts that bloom in the summer.

2. Attracts pollinators

 The flowers of spotted bee balm are very attractive to bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds, making it a great plant for pollinator gardens.

3. Herbal tea

 The leaves of bee balm can be dried and used to make an herbal tea that has a minty, earthy flavor.

4. Culinary uses

The leaves can also be used fresh or dried as an herb to add flavor to salads, marinades, and baked goods. They have a slightly oregano-like taste.

5. Medicinal uses

 Traditionally, Native Americans used spotted bee balm for a variety of medicinal purposes, such as treating colds, fevers, and digestive issues. It contains thymol, which has antiseptic and antifungal properties.

6. Essential oil

The flowering tops can be steam-distilled to produce an essential oil used in aromatherapy and personal care products.

7. Natural dye

 The flowers can be used to produce a reddish-pink dye for coloring fabrics and other materials.

With its edible, medicinal, and ornamental qualities, spotted bee balm is a versatile and beneficial plant for gardens, landscaping, and various herbal uses.

Difference Between Spotted Bee Balm And Bee Balm

The terms “spotted beebalm” and “bee balm” generally refer to the same plant species, Monarda didyma, which is a member of the mint family (Lamiaceae). However, the term “spotted beebalm” specifically refers to certain cultivars or varieties of this plant that have distinctive spots or blotches on their flower petals.

Here are the key differences between “spotted bee balm” and regular “bee balm”.

1. Flower color and patterns

Regular bee balm typically has solid-colored flowers in shades of red, pink, or purple. Spotted bee balm cultivars have flowers with distinct spots, blotches, or speckles on the petals, often in contrasting colors like purple, red, or white against a different colored background.

2. Cultivar names

“Bee balm” is the common name for the species Monarda didyma.”Spotted bee balm” usually refers to specific cultivars like ‘Cambridge Scarlet’, ‘Pardon My Purple’, ‘Petite Delight’, or ‘Raspberry Wine’, which have been selectively bred for their spotted flower patterns.

3. Origin

 Monarda didyma is native to eastern North America. The spotted cultivars are human-created hybrids and selections, developed by plant breeders for their unique and attractive flower patterns.

Apart from the difference in flower color and patterning, spotted bee balm cultivars share most other characteristics with the regular bee balm plant, such as their aromatic foliage, their preference for full sun and moist, well-drained soil, and their ability to attract bees, hummingbirds, and other pollinators to gardens.


1. What are spotted beam balm uses?

A great addition to any flower herb garden but it also has medical purposes. Using the fresh leaves steeped in water can help ease fever and inflammation. This plant has been used to help horses which is why it is also called horse mind.

2. What are the medical uses of bee balm?

It has many medical uses such as antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-nausea, it is also used to support those with esma, cold cores, achy muscles, sore throat, and congestion.

3. How do you use beam balm for tea?

You can use it for tea by putting a cup of boiling water in a container with the added balm and letting it soak or boil for ten minutes.

4. What is horse mint used for in medicine?

It is used for digestion problems, including nausea, diarrhea, and intestinal gases (flatulence). They also take it for headaches, bronchitis, liver health, and general pain.

5. Is Texas bee balm edible?

Yes, it’s edible because its flowers and leaves add a wonderful citrus flavor to tea, candies, and anything else that needs extra flavor.

6. Is bee balm good to eat?

The leaves and flowers of bee balm can be eaten raw or cooked.

7. Is bee balm an antibiotic?

It is highly bought because of its antibiotic properties, which help kill germs such as viruses, bacteria, and fungi. It is also used for fighting of respiratory and digestive tracts.

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By Major Brown

Am an experienced Gardener for more than 15 years.